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Coronavirus - COVID 19      
Due to Government guidelines and in an effort to best protect our members, carers, staff and volunteers, Headway Highland are suspending our normal services. We will continue to communicate with you by social media, newsletter, email and telephone to announce a date for the return of our normal services.

In the meantime Headway Highland are offering a 1:1 telephone and Zoom support for our members.  We are also offering our small outdoor walking groups.  Please get in touch using the contact details below;


You can contact the following people; charity manger Lee Gordon on 07767416006 email leeheadway@yahoo.com or community worker Lynne Paterson on 07713170742 email lynneheadway@yahoo.com

Please refer to NHS Inform for the latest advice;
https://www.nhsinform.scot/ and Health Protection Scotland https://www.hps.scot.nhs.uk/ for the latest advice.
















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