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About Us

Headway Highland supports adults with an acquired brain injury and their families/carers.  We were founded on 25th August 1994 in Inverness.

We are run by a committee of volunteers including those with a brain injury, carers and others with varying experience and skills.

We employ a full-time Charity Manager and part-time Community Worker.  We are currently funded by The Big Lottery Improving Lives Fund, RS Macdonald Charitable Trust, Agnes Hunter Trust, The Foyle Foundation and the Scottish Government Mental Health and Wellbeing Community Fund

Headway Highland is very grateful for the support and experience of our dedicated volunteers who give up so much of their time to provide a service throughout the Highlands.

Many of them are either brain injury survivors or carers. You may ask yourself why they choose to volunteer.

Volunteering helps communities, the individual or group they volunteer for and themselves.

It enables them to meet new people, gain new skills, share existing skills and experience with others, help others and is fun.

You only have to give up the amount of time you can spare.

If you think you may be interested in becoming a Board member or would like to volunteer with us please contact Charity Manager Lee Gordon on 07767 416006 or email leeheadway@yahoo.com.

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